OSCTR Partners
The Oklahoma Shared Clinical and Translational Resources (OSCTR) unites nonprofits, American Indian communities, public agencies, and primary care providers in research addressing the poor health outcomes of our residents. We serve 38 federally recognized American Indian tribes; two major medical schools; dental, nursing, pharmacy, allied health, public health, and graduate colleges; two private non-profit research foundations; and a total of 27 separate organizations.

Primary Partners
Primary Partners are the entities most engaged in Oklahoma Shared Clinical and Translational Resources (OSCTR) activities, including strategic planning and oversight of the center, and have made substantial financial commitments to clinical and translational research (CTR) activities in Oklahoma.
University of Okla. Health Sciences Center (OUHSC)
Stephenson Cancer Center (SCC)
TSET Health Promotion Research Ctr (HPRC)
OSCTR partnered with SCC and HPRC to assist with recruitment of National Cancer Institute NCI-funded cancer researchers, pilot grant co-funding, and professional development opportunities.
Harold Hamm Diabetes Center (HHDC)
The OSCTR and HHDC Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) investigators collaborated to initiate a diabetes registry/repository to aid investigators studying diabetes, metabolic disorders, and diabetic retinopathy.
Dean McGee Eye Institute (DMEI)
Oklahoma Center for Geroscience… (GERO)
OK. Primary Healthcare Improvement Coop (OPHIC)
OK Physicians Research Network (OKPRN)
OK Child Health Research Network (OCHRN)
OPHIC is housed in the Oklahoma Clinical and Translational Science Institute (OCTSI) but is a statewide resource to bring together CTR investigators from multiple OSCTR partners and other healthcare organizations to facilitate Dissemination and Implementation (D&I) research in Oklahoma. OPHIC and the adult and primary care Practice Based Research Networks (PBRNs) supported by OSCTR/OPHIC are essential components to involving primary care clinicians in research efforts.
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation (OMRF)
OMRF is one of the premier private research institutes in the country. Since its inception, OMRF’s primary focus has been supporting translational, disease-oriented research that leads to more effective treatments for human diseases. OMRF is located at the Oklahoma Health Center (OHC) in Oklahoma City and employs over 500 individuals.
University of Oklahoma, Norman (OU)
OSCTR will continue to work with OU leadership to assist in the recruitment of CTR investigators and to encourage collaborative research between investigators across the state.
OU School of Community Medicine, Tulsa (OUSCM)
OUSCM is a geographically remote campus of the OUHSC system, approximately 100 miles from OKC. OUSCM was established to expand medical training in Tulsa, the second largest metro area in the state. This campus gives OSCTR researchers increased access to unique clinical research populations in eastern Oklahoma, including tribal nations such as the Cherokee, Creek and Osage Nations.
Southern Plains Tribal Health Board (SPTHB)
The SPTHB is a 501(c)(3) non-profit established in 1972 to provide a unified voice for the 38 federally recognized AI tribes in Oklahoma (as well as tribes in Kansas). SPTHB also represents 55 tribal or Indian Health Services health systems in the state. The mission of SPTHB is to advocate and collaborate for quality healthcare and healthy lifestyles in AI/AN communities and maximize resources, abilities, and skills while maintaining tribal sovereign rights and independence.
Chickasaw Nation & Cherokee Nation
The Chickasaw and Cherokee Nations are federally recognized sovereign tribal nations. Both nations operate large networks of health care centers in rural areas. They have been close collaborators on multiple projects with OSCTR investigators. OSCTR assists the Chickasaw Nation with the development of a clinical data warehouse, pediatric obesity registry/repository, and funding to support a full-time research coordinator. These nations will continue to assist OSCTR investigators in developing research collaborations, patient recruitment, and educational outreach. Additionally, the tribal research offices at these nations will help other Oklahoma tribes develop their own independent research offices, providing the necessary infrastructure for tribes to prioritize their research interests and citizens in future research.
OKC Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center (VAMC)
The Oklahoma City VAMC is a tertiary care facility at the Oklahoma Health Center and is one of the teaching hospitals for OUHSC. The OSCTR will collaborate with the OKC VAMC on expansion of its clinical trials unit and support of its laboratory-based CTR and D&I research.
Public Health Institute of Oklahoma (PHIO)
PHIO is an 501(c)(3) organization with a mission to bridge government, academia, and communities to facilitate health improvement. PHIO serves as the state hub for the primary healthcare extension system, leading certification of community and county health improvement organizations, development of communication tools, and coordination of annual meetings and training programs for county partnerships. PHIO is a strong partner with OSCTR/ OPHIC on multiple research projects but was particularly essential to the success of the OSCTR RADx-UP project and is elevated to full partnership in this renewal.
OU Health (OUH)
OU Health is the new OU clinical health system whose mission is to “advance healthcare, medical education and research Oklahoma and our region”. Comprised of two academic adult hospitals, the state’s only level 1 trauma center and sole children’s hospital, as well as the most comprehensive healthcare teams in the state, OU Health is a full partner with OUHSC and the OCTSI serves as the clinical research conduit between the two entities for non-cancer clinical research.
Affiliated Partners
Affiliated Partners are institutions and communities working with OSCTR to build CTR capacity statewide and provide feedback on addressing the population's pressing needs.
Oklahoma State University OSU & OSU Center for Health Sciences OSU-CHS
OSU is 65 miles from OUHSC, and OSU-CHS, the site of the state’s Osteopathic Medical School, is approximately 100 miles from OUHSC and 9 miles from OUSCM. Both campuses have investigators who have received OSCTR Pilot awards. OSU has two Phase II COBRE awards supported by our Professional Development (PD) Core and projects led by former OSCTR Pilot Principal Investigators (PIs).Choctaw Nation / Absentee Shawnee Tribe / Osage Nation of Oklahoma / Oklahoma City Indian Clinic OKCIC
Choctaw Nation, Absentee Shawnee Tribe, Osage Nation of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City Indian Clinic (OKCIC)
OKCIC and the Choctaw, Osage, and Absentee Shawnee Nations have partnered with the OSCTR Tribal Engagement Unit (TEU) and OSCTR investigators to participate in various OSCTR-related research studies, including OPHIC D&I projects, StopRA and SAFARI clinical trials, and pilot grant projects. The SPTHB, Chickasaw Nation, Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design (BERD), and TEU will work collaboratively with these tribes to increase their research capacity, identify tribal research priorities, and increase participation of tribal members in research studies/
Laureate Institute for Brain Research LIBR
LIBR is a clinical neuroscience research institute in Tulsa with a multidisciplinary research program that aims to understand the pathophysiology of neuropsychiatric disorders and to develop novel therapeutics and preventions for these diseases. LIBR develops young scientists and currently has a Phase I COBRE and one K23 awardee.
Oklahoma Blood Institute OBI
OBI is the 9th largest blood bank in the U.S. It is a non-profit with a history of collaborating with the OSCTR to improve the health of their donor population. We have recently partnered with OBI to identify subjects in an autoimmune disease prevention initiative, as well as serology screening of HCW for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies.
In addition to several state and private funding agencies, we have long-standing collaborations with these Oklahoma state agencies and others.
Oklahoma State Department of Health OSDH
OSDH is the state’s health department and has a mission to improve the health of Oklahomans. OSCTR has several ongoing collaborations with OSDH including the RADx-UP project where OSDH provided PCR and rapid tests for our community-based settings.
OK Dept of Mental Health & Sub Abuse DMHSAS
DMHSAS leads state efforts to address mental health and addiction. OSCTR has several ongoing collaborations with them through relationships built with OPHIC. Principal among these are projects to help primary care practices to implement better pain management processes to reduce the opioid crisis in the state and programs to address screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment for depression and substance abuse.
Okla. Center for the Adv. of Sci. and Tech. OCAST
The Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology (OCAST) is the state’s agency dedicated to technology-based economic development. Established in 1987, OCAST’s mission is to grow and diversify Oklahoma’s economy by fostering innovation in key sectors such as aerospace, biotechnology, and energy diversification (source).
Okla. Center for Adult Stem Cell Research OCASCR
“The Oklahoma Center for Adult Stem Cell Research is a cutting-edge institution dedicated to advancing the field of regenerative medicine through the study of adult stem cells.” (source).
Presbyterian Health Foundation PHF
“[Their] mission is to fund biomedical research and innovations on the Oklahoma Health Center campus that save and enhance human lives.” (source).