PNAS Nexus. 2024 Nov 8;3(11):pgae505. doi: 10.1093/pnasnexus/pgae505. eCollection 2024 Nov.
Dysregulated energy metabolism is a hallmark of aging, including brain aging; thus, strategies to restore normal metabolic regulation are at the forefront of aging research. Intermittent fasting, particularly time-restricted eating (TRE), is one of these strategies. Despite its well-established effectiveness in improving metabolic outcomes in older adults, the effect of TRE on preserving or improving cerebrovascular health during aging remains underexplored. We explored how aging itself affects energy metabolism and contextualized these age-related changes to cerebrovascular health. We also conducted a literature search on PubMed and Scopus to identify and summarize current studies on TRE in older adults. Finally, we provided preliminary data from our proof-of-concept pilot trial on the effect of 6-month TRE on cerebrovascular health in older adults. Current evidence shows the potential of TRE to improve energy metabolism and physiological outcomes in older adults. TRE may improve cerebrovascular function indirectly due to its effect on glucose homeostasis. However, to date, direct evidence of the effect of TRE on cerebrovascular parameters is lacking. TRE is a well-tolerated and promising dietary intervention for promoting and maintaining cerebrovascular health in older adults. Further studies on TRE in older adults must be better controlled for energy balance to elucidate its independent effects from those of caloric restriction.
PMID:39584020 | PMC:PMC11582367 | DOI:10.1093/pnasnexus/pgae505