This program is intended to support community engagement to develop funded research partnerships. Funds can be used for research development activities, including convening partners, working with individuals pursuing related work, and conducting needs assessments in community settings. The funds cannot be used to support actual human-subjects research protocols, which can be funded under other OSCTR pilot research programs and/or external funding.
The application should consist of a 2-page letter from the main applicant (which can be either a community agency or an academic researcher) describing the collaboration, the contributions that the proposed work will make to a successful research partnership, and a line item budget. Budget requests are expected to be $5,000-$10,000 with budgets that permit the expenditure of the entire award by June 30, 2021. A separate letter of support from either the academic or community partner indicating their agreement with the proposed activities should also be included. Proposals will be evaluated on a rolling basis beginning July 1, 2020. Please submit proposals by email to
Interested applicants can discuss their proposal, eligibility, allowable budget items, and available funding by contacting the OSCTR staff at or call 405-271-3480.