Mission of the BERD Design and Computational Resources Unit
The mission of the BERD Design and Computational Resources Unit is to collaborate and integrate OSCTR clinical research education, mentoring, and career development to enhance training in Epidemiology and Biostatistics related to clinical and translational research. The DCR will provides guided resources such as written and video tutorials along with annotated code to enhance the research quality and productivity of the OSCTR
Data Sets
The DCR maintains a list of sites that house publicly available data sets.
Examples of Data Analyses
The Office of Advanced Research Computing at UCLA offers a number of excellent resources to help see statistical methods applied in practice. These resources are organized into:
Please note the links in this section will take you out of the OSCTR BERD website
Seminars, Short Courses, and Workshops
The OSCTR and BERD host regular Seminars, Short Courses and Workshops. Quick access to these resources can be found here.
Best practices and tutorials for commonly used data processing and analytics routines are available here.
Qualitative Methods
Here are some resources for Qualitative Methods trainings for the OSCTR and for Mixed Methods Program at the University of Michigan.
Training Online Request Form
If you would like to request a training session for your group or have a suggestion for training resources you would like to see added to this repository, please use the request form below to let us know about it.